REPLACEMENT PARTS NOTICE:  Please contact us for replacement parts. For returns or exchanges, please contact the retailer where your product was purchased.

Air Swimmers


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tempor urna ipsum, a viverra turpis viverra quis. Aenean auctor libero a nisl lobortis, ut gravida purus convallis. Nunc nec sem sed turpis adipiscing sagittis ut ut arcu. Nulla facilisi. Nulla congue rhoncus diam a posuere. Curabitur tempus ligula dui, a pulvinar ipsum molestie nec. Nam facilisis ultrices justo sit amet pretium. Phasellus sit amet cursus enim. Sed lobortis quam in libero sollicitudin tempor.

Maecenas justo ipsum, condimentum et ipsum at, bibendum cursus turpis. Donec sit amet augue arcu. Aliquam cursus nec ante ac porttitor. Cras massa felis, rhoncus a rhoncus eget, adipiscing fringilla enim. Cras vel eros scelerisque, ornare mauris at, tincidunt justo. Morbi mollis augue vel venenatis semper. Vestibulum ac metus dignissim sapien placerat tincidunt sit amet vitae lectus. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam viverra, dolor et placerat tristique, arcu nisi venenatis justo, et rutrum magna ipsum eget sapien. Phasellus velit dolor, auctor sed ornare vitae, placerat non diam. Sed et lacus ac purus porttitor congue a eu arcu. Mauris at lectus mollis, auctor tellus et, aliquam libero. Duis eget risus erat.

Pellentesque suscipit arcu vel sem tempor, quis placerat purus fringilla. Pellentesque lacinia quis diam eu accumsan. Quisque vel libero at velit imperdiet ultricies. Donec malesuada arcu vel lorem dignissim porta ac ac odio. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Ut eu nisl eget neque commodo pellentesque.

Sed dictum cursus commodo. Ut fringilla mauris rutrum augue pulvinar, at pellentesque sem ullamcorper. Ut blandit ante ut euismod euismod. Proin consequat laoreet erat vel elementum. Cras vestibulum sollicitudin sagittis. Quisque urna dolor, mattis ornare elit eu, porta pulvinar dui. Sed pharetra est justo, nec rhoncus est sodales non. Maecenas tincidunt metus ut odio congue blandit. Sed mollis suscipit lorem, ac porta enim hendrerit sed. Nunc sit amet molestie eros, a tristique ipsum. Vestibulum at lacus ut purus tincidunt vehicula. Nam non ipsum mauris. Sed erat leo, posuere ut neque vel, sodales bibendum libero.

Donec ultrices porta dui, vitae gravida risus adipiscing sit amet. Vivamus malesuada mollis ornare. Quisque arcu risus, vehicula in porttitor eget, lacinia et magna. Cras nunc urna, vestibulum non diam in, dignissim varius quam. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse dapibus risus eget ante venenatis iaculis. Mauris et augue risus. Donec ut feugiat eros. Aenean vestibulum blandit leo, id interdum nisl ultricies ut. Nullam accumsan elit eget molestie commodo. Integer accumsan massa nulla, non pharetra augue facilisis ac. Cras porta erat eu tortor sagittis interdum. Quisque suscipit pulvinar nisi, nec aliquam lectus. Duis suscipit hendrerit dignissim.

Customer Service

Do you need help with your Air Swimmer?  You should find the answers you need below!


Due to the popularity of Air Swimmers, many factories overseas have copied our product illegally.  If you bought an illegal knockoff, we cannot help you.  These knockoff products were not made by us. If you received one, please return it to the store where you purchased it.

If your Original Air Swimmer (shark, clownfish, or bass) is legitimate, the front and back of the box must say "Air Swimmers", the lower right corner on the back of the box must say "William Mark Corporation" underneath our logo. The Air Swimmers Extreme version is a licensed reproduction by the company WowStuff of our product and is legitimate even though it doesn't meet these conditions.

There are unfortunately also Angry Birds knockoffs. To determine if your Angry Birds Air Swimmer Turbo is legitimate, the text on the front and back should read "Remote Controlled Flying Angry Birds Air Swimmers Turbo" and the image on the front should be of an Angry Bird knocking down a wooden structure complete with pigs. On the back of the box in the lower left hand area it should have "William Mark Corporation" and our logo along with Rovio's logo. Again the Toys R Us package is slightly different with the WowStuff logo on the bottom of their (larger) box, but is still legit.

We cannot replace defective knockoffs that were made by others in violation of our patents, trademark, and copyrights.


If you need help assembling your Air Swimmers Shark, Clownfish or Bass, please watch the instructional video. If you need help assembling your Angry Birds Air Swimmers Turbo, please watch the Angry Birds instructional video These videos should answer any questions you may have and feel free to post a comment with your question if we left something unanswered in the video. You may also find your answer in our Air Swimmers FAQ.


Download instructions by clicking on the link for your product:




If you would like to return an Air Swimmer for a refund, you must return it to the store where you purchased it.  We are a wholesale company that sells only to distributors and retail stores, so we cannot give refunds at the retail price. 


Additional Resources

Here are some other excellent places for more information and continued excitement:


Our video assembly instructions:

Air SwimmerTM Extreme assembly video instructions:,

Vat19’s excellent Air Swimmer page:

NightFlyyer's tutorial on how to easily store an Air SwimmersTM :

Online forums and fanpages:

Air Swimmers' World: the self proclaimed "The official Air Swimmers Fan Site":

RC discussion:

NightFlyyer's informative and entertaining video program featured Air Swimmers:

Replacement Parts Notice

Please contact us for replacement parts for any WMC product.  For returns and exchanges, please contact the retailer where your product was purchased.